Chaser, Scholar of the Burning Blood (2024)

“ Mm, yes. It's always such a shame when the greed of foolish men overcomes their survival instincts. I suppose they just weren't meant to reach the City.
― Chaser


  • 1 Description
  • 2 Moveset
  • 3 Finisher
  • 4 Combat
  • 5 Rewards
  • 6 Dialogue
  • 7 Gallery
  • 8 Trivia
  • 9 References


Chaser, Scholar of the Burning Blood is a humanoid Boss that is fought in Floor 1 of the Second Layer. He is found within The Maw of Ethiron, specifically in the Cathedral of Ethiron. He is also a Black Diver, though in reality an operative serving The Ministry.

He was once an aspiring Diver, graduating as one of the greatest of his generation, only surpassed by Klaris Llfiend, Mother of Lights and Akira.[1] Eventually, he betrayed the Divers, joining the Ministry instead. He served as an apprentice for and was gifted the ability of hemokinesis by the Ministry's Second Prophet, during which he developed the Flareblood Kamas.[2] Funnily enough, Chaser does not use the Flareblood Kamas at all during the fight.

He allied himself with the mysterious Kyrsgarde and volunteered to lead an expedition into the Eternal Gale. However, by the time they reached the Second Layer, he tore the expedition apart, though Apprentice Diver Azel Corbet managed to record his fears and suspicions before being lost. Another expedition would then be sent, but that too was lost. A third expedition arrived to the Second Layer, but they soon ran out of food. Its members grew suspicious, Journeyman Diver Skeli recording that Chaser could no longer be trusted or allowed to reach the 'Forbidden City' and some tried to flee to the Ignition Union's nearby holdout, though they would be killed by Chaser. Eventually that expedition too would be wiped out.[3]

Appearance-wise, he is a young male greymarch Adret characterized by his unique eye color and facial markings. He carries six Bells which are assumed to have been brutally pilfered from the Divers who ventured originally with him in the Second Layer and those who met him after his betrayal. However, he is incapable of using them. His eyes are blood red and have a swirl pattern, likely as a result of his Oath.


Despite being a humanoid boss and his status as a Black Diver, he doesn't perform any physical attacks, instead using long-range blood related Mantras which are channeled through the jars of blood located around the cathedral.

For a visual guide, consider watching this video.

Triple Blood


Chaser shoots three long appendages out, they latch onto a player/surface before returning. Blocking all three hits will cause a lot of posture damage, so attempt to parry it.(★☆☆)
Powerful Blood


Chaser launches one appendage that rapidly targets a player; if it lands it will fling the player towards Chaser.
  • There is an indicator and the unparriable sound cue before the attack.
Burning Blood ExplosionAfter a short casting sound (), Chaser rapidly forms a moderately large explosion of blood under the player, which he then ignites. Does low posture damage, but comes out faster than his other moves.(★☆☆)
Triple Blood WaveThree waves of blood mist spread out under Chaser, covering the whole area. Getting hit stuns you and additionally prevents jumping, guaranteeing the other rings hit.(★★☆)
Stalactite FallChaser drops many stalactites from the ceiling. Does low posture damage.
  • During the second phase of the fight, Chaser will collapse the ceiling, triggering this attack for the last time for the remainder of the fight. He may attempt to use it again, but it will fail.
Sanguine RepulsionChaser uses blood to imitate a vent, launching away all players near him and causing them to ragdoll. Happens a few seconds after he is down.
  • The first instance of this does the most damage
TransfusionChaser heals from the jars of blood, healing ~1600 HP.
  • Chaser will use this move everytime after he leaves his vulnerable state.
  • He cannot use this move after all blood jars have been broken.
Last ResortChaser unleashes around 25 localised attacks on the player(s) while utilizing all of his moves in a frenzy. You must stay in the circle just below him to avoid this attack.(★★★)
Body SlamDuring his final phase, the blood tendrils that take hold of his body repeatedly slam Chaser onto the floor. As such, they push away anyone trying to stand inside of the circle to avoid the constant damage inflicted by Chaser. The slams do a moderate amount of damage as well.(★★★)
Blood FrenzyChaser laughs then use up to 4 attacks in quick succession.
  • Chaser will be highlighted in red while this attack is in use.
  • This attack is only available once there are no (or only a few) jars left.
  • This attack also drains him for 250 health.

*While these moves can be parried and blocked, they still fling you.
**Requires Brick Wall to be fully blocked


All of Chaser's moves except Stalactite Fall instantly execute.


Whenever Chaser's HP drops below half, he will collapse the ceiling, preventing him from using the Stalactite Fall attack again for the remainder of the fight. The stalactites that fell will remain for around 10 minutes; most runs won't have them disappear. This is good as you won't have to worry about this attack again.

    • Chaser uses his regular attacks randomly. This will be his moveset until there are no blood jars left.
      • The player is required to break the blood jars around the arena to progress the fight. Jars that can be broken can be identified by a trail between them and Chaser or the light they give. Only a few jars can be broken per cycle.
      • Whenever all the jars of the current cycle are broken, Chaser will be incapacitated and fall to the floor, allowing the player to attack him. After this period of vulnerability, Chaser will heal himself, restoring 1600 HP and the cycle repeats.
    • Once all blood jars are broken, Chaser loses the ability to heal but gains a new attack, which allows him to rapidly attack multiple time in a row.
      • His Blood Frenzy (identified by Chaser's Laugh while he's still in the air and by him having a red highlight) incorporates his other blood based attacks and are rapidly chained. He will cast between 1 to 4 attacks in a row.
      • In this phase, Chaser will be incapacitated after 4 attacks (most of the time). His vulnerability periods are longer than in phase 1, allowing the player to deal more damage.
    • When Chaser has fewer than 6,000 HP, he will use his desperation attack, in an attempt to take the player with him. (Note that this is not static. It is not immediately after 6,000HP is reached.)
      • During this phase, the entire arena becomes a danger zone that deals constant damage to the player. This is dodgeable. Players must stay below Chaser to not be affected by this.
      • Chaser will attempt to push the player away from the safe zone below him by slamming himself on the ground. This attack can be blocked (albeit it needs a good shield), parried or dodged.
      • Be extremely careful, as Chaser will use his regular attacks in between his ground slams. The blood wave attack becomes threatening in this phase as you are given little reaction time to jump.
      • Chaser will eventually die by himself, completing the fight.
    • Chaser has a pattern of attacks during this phase.
      • As soon the arena turns into a danger zone, he will unleash a Body Slam.
      • The slam is followed by a triple blood wave.
      • After the second move, Chaser will use Body Slam twice, both with the same timing.
      • The slams are followed by a random move from his moveset.
      • During his last move, he will chain two quick Body Slams along a normal one, eventually ending the fight.


After Chaser, a path to Floor 2 opens and a medium sized chest is spawned. It contains:

  • Many Kyrsan series weapons.
  • 2 Knowledge on first kill, 1 knowledge per kill if contributing 35% or more damage.
  • Very high odds of Deep Gems.
  • A variety of Rare and Legendary equipment, weapons, rings and outfits, including Ironsinger Heavy Plates, all guaranteed to be at least 1 star quality.
  • Rarely, the Flareblood Kamas, a legendary weapon uniquely dropped Only by Chaser.
  • Rarely, Enchantment Stones.
  • Rarely, any legendary weapon(s) except for the Curved Blade of Winds, Stormseye and Ysleys Pyre Keeper
  • Extremely Rarely, The Bloodforged Crown.
  • Rarely, Warmaster's Medallion.

Additionally, the player will receive a significant amount of experience, attribute training, resonance progress, as well as some positive Divers reputation.

Roughly six Chaser solos, without the Boss Resonance Progression path, will allow you to obtain a Resonance.

Beating Chaser by entering Layer 2 without a Light Hook will grant you the "Hookless Eternal Gale" Triumph for your Echoes and significant Resonance progress for both the Depths and Bosses categories.


  • First Encounter

  • Subsequent Encounters

Oh, a human? Far from home are we?
What happened here?[Attack mid-dialogue]
Oh here? Well, first I disposed of my mutinous team, now I am searching for the City.Aha, the first strike? Not one to mince words are we?
They mutinied?End
Mm, yes. It's always such a shame when the greed of foolish men overcomes their survival instincts. I suppose they just weren't meant to reach the City.
The City?
Oh you don't know? This tower sits atop New Kyrsa, the Sleeping City. There lies the so-called bedchambers of the Drowned God Ethiron. Together perhaps we could - [ATTACKS]
You don't belong here kid, falling for the oldest trick in the book... I'll make quick work of this.
How strange... Time truly does run amok when drawn into Ethiron's Wake. To have memories of a previous encounter, yet to be standing here now... Fascinating, isn't it?
Ethiron's Wake?I won't be fooled again.[Attack mid-dialogue]
This close to the Drowned God Ethiron, time itself is drawn into the Gale. The natural rules of causality, of cause and effect, all start to fray at the seams. [ATTACKS]Again? It hasn't happened yet. Not in my time. There's still time left to talk this through, no? After we met in your time, did you make it to the- [ATTACKS]Aha, the first strike? Not one to mince words are we?
Ha? Really?! Gods below, you really are such a FOOL.EndEnd


Chaser Laughing

Chaser before the boss battle starts

Chaser's blood red eyes

Chaser's unused eyes

Chaser regretting his life choices

Chaser's body at the bottom of the pit formed when he breaks the ground

Chaser with the old Black Diver outfit


  • The music of his bossfight is A God, Manufactured by Naktigonis.
  • Chaser is voiced by YouTuber redpetal (previously known as DemStormz).[4]
  • Chaser sets fire to his blood during the Burning Blood Explosion attack, implying he uses Flamecharm.
  • Despite having visual armor, he has 0% resistance which making PEN stat useless against him. (Same to other humanoid bosses)
  • There was a period of time where rumors claimed that this boss was called Minerva or that it was the Avatar of Ethiron, however these were debunked, Verse 2 revealing the boss' name to be Chaser.
  • The Burning Blood Explosion move used by Chaser closely resembles the spells that are casted by Mohg, Lord of Blood, from Elden Ring.
  • The Triple Blood Wave move used by Chaser closely resembles the Lava Waves used by Ignis Meam in the roblox game Raid Boss Destiny, a game previously played by Agamatsu and developers during the development of Verse 2.
  • Chaser is seen wielding six Resonances, presumably stolen from Divers he betrayed and killed, it has been noted that he is unable to use them.
  • Prior to the update of 1/30/23, he did not have a second phase, instead dying after all the jars were broken. As a result, he was viewed as the easiest boss in the game, and could even be beaten at any point in game.
    • He is still viewed as the easiest boss ingame, due to his insanely predictable attacks with loud sound queues, with his only troublesome move being the stalactites as they stall the fight as well as being completely random.
  • Chaser's body does not initially despawn after breaking the ground, and continues to fall downwards for a bit before reaching the bottom of the pit, then despawns.
  • According to Ragoozer, Chaser was planned to have a proper Phase 2, however, he didn't have enough time to work on it prior to the release of Verse 2. It's unknown if this is the same phase 2 that he has now.[5]
  • Chaser does not spawn if: The generator is not powered on or if the Bounder nest has not been triggered or if the mystery key hasn't been taken/resonance door opened.
  • Much like Ferryman, if Chaser is set on fire at a certain threshold, he can be gripped like any normal NPC.
  • Used to have the title, Scholar of the Crimson Contract.
    • He still has this title if you hover over the Combat Tag skull whilst combat tagged by him.
  • His hair ID is 77799954 & the beard ID is 4995497755
  • Chaser Hex Code Colors: #8f9ea3 Skin | #001926 Hair | (Pupils can be found in the 'Gallery' below) | #000000 Facial Marking | #5d4545, #404d54, #645d43, #504a53 Left Leg Resonances | #5d4545, #475349, #45465a, #37525d Right Leg Resonances
  • Chaser's Body Slam used to be an animation. However, exploiters could copy the animation, activate it on themselves, and clip into the floor, thereby allowing them to attack people through the floor at no risk. Therefore, it was changed to being a physics constraint.[6]
  • Due to Chaser's attacks ignoring armor damage resistance, the only threat he presents to W Rank players is Doubled Damage from Fragileheart.


  1. Carrion, Father of Evolution
  2. Flareblood Kamas description
  3. Diver Journals
  5. Chaser, Scholar of the Burning Blood (11)
  6. Chaser, Scholar of the Burning Blood (12)


The Kingdom of Etrea Etris Isle of Vigils The Lord Regent Evengarde Rest Etrean Guardsmen Etrean Royal Guard Etrean Soldier Vigil Swordsman Blade Instructor Blade Temple Guard Polis
The Central Authority Fort Merit Fort Merit Authority Soldier Authority Peacekeeper Authority Officer Authority Lieutenant Authority Captain Authority Commander
The Hive Greathive Aratel Hive Scout Hive Guard Hive Adjudicator Hive Construct
The Divers Castle Light Klaris Akira Chaser‡ Pleeksty Karliah‡ Apprentice Diver Diver Journeyman Diver Black Diver Nell Funke Dawnwalker
The Ignition Union Miner's Landing The Chariot's Spire The Frontier Furnace Alpha Ignition Union Fighter Ignition Union Guard Ignition Union Arcwarder Mechalodaunt Arcwarder
Summer Company Summer Isle The Guy Summer Company Guard Summer Manager Summer Goon Summer Dragoon
The Children of Navae Meteor Isle Eastern Tribe Nomad Eastern Tribal Leader Navaen Hostage
The Hundred Legions Viper's Jaw Camp Kingmaker's Isle Amara Brutus Legion Soldier Legion Captain Legion Sniper
The Knives of Eylis Voidheart Eylis Voidmother Knife of Eylis Subtle Knife of Eylis Knife Guard† Old Knife of Eylis
The Ministry Minityrsa The Understrand The Fifth Prophet The Crimson Scholar Ministry Scout Ministry Footpad Ministry Captain Ministry Necromancer Ministry Cache Agent Ministry Enforcer Nostor Contractor
The Lost City of Celtor The City of the Drowned Celtorian Guard Tideknights

Cyan: NPCs, Green: Owned Territories, Orange: Oaths, Purple: Bounty Hunters. ‡: Formerly, †: Deceased.

Chaser, Scholar of the Burning Blood (2024)


Is Chaser evil deepwoken? ›

Type of Villain

Chaser is one of the main antagonists of Verse 2 of the Roblox game Deepwoken.

Why did Chaser betray the divers? ›

On a mission to the Eternal Gale, the second layer of the Depths, he betrayed his team and the Divers in an attempt to reach New Kyrsa alone.

Why does chaser have so many bells? ›

He carries six Bells which are assumed to have been brutally pilfered from the Divers who ventured originally with him in the Second Layer and those who met him after his betrayal.

Does vampirism work on chaser? ›

Less effective against Chaser and Primadon, almost nullified against Scion of Ethiron. Vampirism does not scale with power-based PvE damage scaling, so your healing from PvP & PvE encounters should be identical. Weapon glows pink and gives off a slight blood splatter particle effect.

Who is the bad guy in Deepwoken? ›

The Ministry is the overarching antagonist of the Roblox game Deepwoken. They are a mysterious group of Shadowcasters who seek to drown the universe and achieve godhood. They consist of fanatical cultists and psychotic murderers.

What anime is Deepwoken based on? ›

Deepwoken isn't based on any specific anime, but it certainly feels like you're living out your own dark fantasy anime adventure!

Who is the real killer in the chaser? ›

The Chaser (Korean: 추격자) is a 2008 South Korean action thriller film starring Kim Yoon-seok and Ha Jung-woo. It was directed by Na Hong-jin in his directorial debut. Inspired by real-life Korean serial killer Yoo Young-chul, certain scenes were shot on location around Mangwon-dong in the Mapo District, Seoul.

Does the chaser ever lost? ›

Sometimes Chasers loses. Sometimes very badly. Here's a list of lowest scored, when chasers loses the final, which all 10 or under.

How much knowledge does Chaser give Deepwoken? ›

Killing Chaser, Scholar of the Burning Blood for the first time, awarding 2 Knowledge. Killing Chaser, Scholar of the Burning Blood while having dealt at least 35% of his HP. This rewards 1 Knowledge and can be repeated.

Does the chaser have autism? ›

She is a practising Catholic. She is autistic, which was not diagnosed until 2003 when she was 45.

How many toys does Chaser have? ›

Chaser could identify and retrieve 1,022 toys by name, which was the result of a years-long research effort initiated by Pilley on June 28, 2004. Pilley documents the following milestones as Chaser's vocabulary grew over time: 50 words at 5 months, 200 words at 7.5 months, 700 words at 1.5 years, and 1,000+ at 3 years.

How often does the chaser lose? ›

💰 Since 2009, The Chase has given away £10.4 million across 1,999 episodes (so far). 📊 The chasers win 76% of the time. ⏱ The biggest win for the chasers was when the team was caught in 12 seconds (they only managed a target of 3).

What drink cures vampirism? ›

The recipe for The Ultimate Vampire Cure drink calls for the following ingredients:
  • 10 x Garlic.
  • 10 x Wolfsbane.
  • 10 x Plasma Fruit.
  • 2,500 Simoleons (in-game currency).
Oct 7, 2023

What is the cheat to remove vampirism? ›

Another way of curing vampirism is via Console Commands; one must open the console and type setstage 000EAFD5 10 . By using the Console Command code showracemenu to change the Dragonborn's race, vampirism is immediately removed.

What can get you banned in Deepwoken? ›

Usage of derogative words, such as slurs, aimed at another wiki member(s) or organization(s). Repeated posts / messages over a short time, and unnecessarily long comments. Using templates improperly across the Wiki. Posting in Discussions under the wrong category.

How many people have died in Deepwoken? ›

Death is a core aspect of Deepwoken. You have three lives in Deepwoken, the first two lives in the The Overworld, and the third in The Depths. When you die, you drop roughly half your notes and items, but the losses can be decreased through certain Talents.

What is chaser? ›

A chaser is an alcoholic drink that you have after you have drunk a stronger or weaker alcoholic drink.

What race is good in Deepwoken? ›

Best Deepwoken Races

Vesperian - This Race initially has natural armor, which reduces damage taken by 5%. It also grants +2 Willpower and +3 Fortitude. Felinor - Thanks to the Nightchild talent, you significantly increase your agility and Stealth. It grants +2 Charisma and +3 Agility.


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