Accounting |
| •ACCT 1194-Special Topics in Accounting 1 s.h. - 3 s.h. |
| •ACCT 2100-Financial Accounting 3 s.h. |
| •ACCT 2101-Corporate Financial Accounting 1 s.h. |
| •ACCT 2122-Managerial Accounting 3 s.h. |
| •ACCT 2294-Special Topics in Accounting 1 s.h. - 3 s.h. |
| •ACCT 2299-Independent Study in Accounting 1 s.h. - 6 s.h. |
| • |
| •ACCT 3225-Cost Accounting 3 s.h. |
| •ACCT 3311-Intermediate Accounting I 3 s.h. |
| •ACCT 3312-Intermediate Accounting II 3 s.h. |
| •ACCT 3394-Special Topics in Accounting 1 s.h. - 3 s.h. |
| •ACCT 3397-Accounting Internship 1 s.h. - 15 s.h. |
| •ACCT 4321-Advanced Accounting 3 s.h. |
| •ACCT 4322-Federal Taxation—Individuals 3 s.h. |
| •ACCT 4323-Federal Taxation—Business Entities 3 s.h. |
| •ACCT 4333-Accounting for Government and Non-Profit Organizations 3 s.h. |
| •ACCT 4335-Accounting Information Systems 3 s.h. |
| •ACCT 4390-Auditing 3 s.h. |
Africana and Latinx Studies |
| •ALS 1000-Black and Latinx Experiences 3 s.h. |
| •ALS 1504-Introduction to African History 3 s.h. |
| •ALS 1994-Special Topics in Africana and Latinx Studies 1 s.h. - 3 s.h. |
| •ALS 2030-Peoples and Cultures of the Caribbean 3 s.h. |
| •ALS 2050-African-American Literature 3 s.h. |
| •ALS 2070-Postcolonial Literature and Culture: Africa 3 s.h. |
| •ALS 2072-African Atlantic: Popular Culture 1 s.h. - 6 s.h. |
| •ALS 2073-Hip-Hop Culture 3 s.h. |
| •ALS 2080-African-Americans and Latinx in Film and Television 3 s.h. |
| •ALS 2262-Topics in Racism 3 s.h. |
| •ALS 2510-Cultures of Pan Africanism 3 s.h. |
| •ALS 2560-African Politics 3 s.h. |
| •ALS 2580-Latin American Politics 3 s.h. |
| •ALS 2600-Urban Philosophical Dilemmas 3 s.h. |
| •ALS 2730-Race, Gender, Class, and Culture 3 s.h. |
| •ALS 2994-Special Topics in Africana and Latinx Studies 1 s.h. - 6 s.h. |
| •ALS 2999-Independent Study in Africana and Latinx Studies 1 s.h. - 6 s.h. |
| •ALS 3051-Literature of the Harlem Renaissance 3 s.h. |
| •ALS 3057-Modern Black Literature 3 s.h. |
| •ALS 3060-Latinx Drama: Teatro Campesino 3 s.h. |
| •ALS 3070-Contemporary Black Social and Political Thought 3 s.h. |
| •ALS 3086-African-American Women Writers 3 s.h. |
| •ALS 3110-Women, Race, and the Law 3 s.h. |
| •ALS 3170-Black Hollywood 3 s.h. |
| •ALS 3175-South Africa: Race and Resistance Since 1800 3 s.h. |
| •ALS 3176-History of Slavery 3 s.h. |
| •ALS 3255-Marked Bodies 3 s.h. |
| •ALS 3271-Colonial Latin America 3 s.h. |
| •ALS 3272-Modern Latin America 3 s.h. |
| •ALS 3342-Music Cultures of the World 3 s.h. |
| •ALS 3449-History of the U.S. in the Sixties 3 s.h. |
| •ALS 3520-Latinx: Cultures on the Move 3 s.h. |
| • |
| •ALS 3630-Latin American Political Theory 3 s.h. |
| •ALS 3640-Citizenship, Democracy, and Identity 3 s.h. |
| •ALS 3650-Philosophy of Protest 3 s.h. |
| •ALS 3703-Slavery and Resistance 3 s.h. |
| •ALS 3704-Jim Crow to Black Power 3 s.h. |
| •ALS 3705-African Americans and Islam 3 s.h. |
| •ALS 3720-History of Crime and Prisons 3 s.h. |
| •ALS 3725-LGBTQ U. S. Communities of Color 3 s.h. |
| •ALS 3788-Borderlands: Latinx in the U.S. 3 s.h. |
| •ALS 3830-International Political Economy 3 s.h. |
| •ALS 3994-Special Topics in Africana and Latinx Studies 3 s.h. |
| •ALS 3995-Teaching Assistantship in Africana and Latinx Studies 3 s.h. |
| •ALS 3997-Africana and Latinx Studies Internship 1 s.h. - 15 s.h. |
| • |
| •ALS 4500-Political Development: Problems of Nation-Building 3 s.h. |
| •ALS 4998-Senior Seminar in Africana and Latinx Studies 3 s.h. |
American Literature |
| •ALIT 2000-American Literature to 1865 3 s.h. |
| •ALIT 2001-American Literature 1865 – Present 3 s.h. |
| •ALIT 2007-Survey of Environmental Literature 3 s.h. |
| •ALIT 2050-African-American Literature 3 s.h. |
| •ALIT 2094-Special Topics in American Literature 1 s.h. - 3 s.h. |
| •ALIT 2099-Independent Study in American Literature 1 s.h. - 6 s.h. |
| •ALIT 3010-American Poetry 3 s.h. |
| •ALIT 3016-Modern American Fiction 3 s.h. |
| •ALIT 3017-Contemporary American Fiction 3 s.h. |
| •ALIT 3026-Contemporary American Poetry 3 s.h. |
| •ALIT 3040-The American Renaissance 3 s.h. |
| •ALIT 3051-Literature of the Harlem Renaissance 3 s.h. |
| •ALIT 3080-Jack London 3 s.h. |
| •ALIT 3086-African-American Women Writers 3 s.h. |
| •ALIT 4003-The Literature of Imprisonment 3 s.h. |
| •ALIT 4065-Race and the American South 3 s.h. |
| •ALIT 4069-Rachel Carson 3 s.h. |
| •ALIT 4071-Cooper and His Country 3 s.h. |
| •ALIT 4072-Mark Twain 3 s.h. |
| •ALIT 4073-Upstate New York Writers 3 s.h. |
| •ALIT 4074-Hawthorne and Melville 3 s.h. |
| •ALIT 4075-Burroughs and Nature Writing 3 s.h. |
| •ALIT 4094-Special Topics in American Literature 1 s.h. - 3 s.h. |
| •ALIT 4099-Independent Study in American Literature 1 s.h. - 6 s.h. |
American Sign Language |
| •ASL 1001-Introduction to American Sign Language I 3 s.h. |
| •ASL 1002-Introduction to American Sign Language II 3 s.h. |
| •ASL 2001-Intermediate American Sign Language I 3 s.h. |
Ancient Greek |
| •AGRK 1001-Introduction to Ancient Greek Language I 3 s.h. |
| •AGRK 1002-Introduction to Ancient Greek Language II 3 s.h. |
Anthropology |
| •ANTH 1000-Introduction to Cultural Anthropology 3 s.h. |
| •ANTH 1300-Introduction to Biological Anthropology 3 s.h. |
| •ANTH 1600-Introduction to Archaeology 3 s.h. |
| •ANTH 1650-Prehistoric World Cultures 3 s.h. |
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